Saturday, March 23, 2013

Innisfree Cream Tint Lipstick 3 Colors and 3 type of makeup tip

Innisfree Cream Tint Lipstick 3 Colors and 3 Ways of makeup tips

It's been a while since I written any makeup post so today (also trying to makeup to all), I'll introduce you 3 popular Innisfree lipstick and 3 ways of makeup (using the same lipstick).

Yup you'll are here for a treat!
Okay first things, first.

I'll introduce you Innisfree Cream Tint Lipstick!
Well This is not the whole Innisfree Cream Tint Lipstick Collection

Price / Amount : 12,000won / 3.5g
If you want me to get it for you just ask XD
email :

This is
#1 Flower Peddle Pink #2 Sweet Cocktail Pink #3 Dreamy Orange #4 Refreshing Cocktail Orange #5 One Sunny Summer Red #6 Blushing Apricot flowers  #7 Spring Here Light Pink #8 Pink Flower Festivities #9 Dandelion flower Coral #10

#2 Sweet Cocktail Pink  & #4 Refreshing Cocktail Orange is most popular, So I'll introduce them and Also #3 Dreamy Orange.

The pigment is so thick! maybe because it is 'Tint'!  Anyways no matter how much you use wipes you can still see the colors!

This is how it looks like on lips I love the colors!

Now for tips of using these lipstick:
First for we all love lipstick but it cracks your lips. Usually you might have used those lip bums but seriously it covers the color of the lipstick or kinda mix wired.
So it is better use moisturizing fitting base(Innisfree sell these)

Now you can apply but if you want a more of 'Milky' feeling to the color this is what you can do
Use Innisfree Mineral Finishing Base
Not only it turned milky but moist too :) double benefit for you all!

Now if you want a bit of Gradient look to your lips, making it SOOO, Natural looking
(Yup, Now I can look as if I was born with sexy lips!)
Just with these two (Down below you can see the pic):
Innisfree Mineral Melting Foundation and the lipstick
First, use the lipstick only on the middle of the lips
Next use the foundation from the outside of your lips and slowly kill the pink color until you get this gradiation look

Now these are the three looks you can try out with this lovely lipstick
Hope this help you look Radient as EVER~


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