Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Treatment for Sunburn

And if you haven't been able to protect your skin from those harmful UVB rays and you got yourself a sunburn or a tan... Here's how you can salvage your skin ^^ And find out more about Sun Protection with Sunscreens here!

Treatment for Sunburn
Aloe vera has always been the first thing that comes to my mind when I get sunburn, because of its soothing and healing properties. As aloe vera gel contains lidocaine, it aids in sunburn treatment. However it can be very sticky or expensive (Jorubi is my favourite Aloe vera and it is about SGD19 per tube, check out my review here). 

So how about trying out other natural remedies which can manage this task as well?~

Using standard black tea bags can help to soothe sunburns. This method was suggested by a nurse, and it is a great alternative home rememdy when you forget to apply sunscreen. So here are the steps to help you rid that painful sunburn~

All you need
Three tea bags of black tea

How to
1. Fill the pitcher with warm water and soak the tea bags in it until the water is almost pitch black. 
2. Soak the rag and apply it onto your skin
3. Most importantly, DO NOT WIPE IT OFF!

Leave the black tea to be absorbed by your skin. Re-apply if necessary when the black tea has been fully absorbed, but do not wash it off. Applying this before bedtime will give the black tea some time to work its magic ^^. Wash it off in the morning and the sunburn should have substantially subside or disappear. 

Once you feel you have sunburn, make sure to apply the tea as soon as possible! It will allow the tea to be be more effective. Also, the combination of cool water and tea can help soothe the skin and speed recovery! 

Make sure you don’t miss the most commonly missed spots when applying. What’s your go-to treatment when you’ve been out in the sun one too many hours long? Share it with me, so I can learn something too~ Fire away!!!


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