Tuesday, March 26, 2013

[Etude House / Korean Coesmetic] Etude House - Sweet Recipe Baby Choux Bee

Etude House - Sweet Recipe Baby Choux Bee 

For woman the most important thing is skin. If the skin look messy and not evenly colored, makeup will look 'not done correctly'. You'll become some kind of creepy monster.

If your current skin problem is that it look shadowed and damp, 
no matter what you do with powder colors don't seem to do it's work.
If you use e House - Sweet Recipe Baby Choux Bee it might help you with this problem

It has SPF 25 and after open you can use it for within 18 month.
This product is for yellow skin, 
there are other colors for pale skin, red skin, there are 3 types

See the texture? I can' really explain it, like the picture, doesn't it look delicious?
Kinda like buttery, creamish texture.
I've never felt this texture before on any other type of makeup

This cream has two function: make your skin look moist and gives your skin some kind of a invisible blockage shield. 
I thought it would be spread as well it did!
I was quiet surprised it can

Can you see the difference?
I love its ability to give my skin a tone up
Not just white but it look refreshed look

There a big difference on face skin
If you look closely it covers up quiet well.
I hope you enjoyed this!

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