Have your make-up brushes been cleaned lately?
I'm sure most of us make-up wearers are guilty of neglecting to wash out our make-up tools, which can lead to the following problems:
* "Make-up brushes can accumulate bacteria, dust and dirt, all of which permit the growth of further bacteria. This can aggravate underlying skin conditions like acne," Manhattan dermatologist Julie Karen, M.D. states.
* Sonia Kashuk explains that creams left to dry can stiffen the bristles and affect the suppleness of natural hairs.
* If your brushes aren't clean, you will not get the true colour showing up on your face.
You might have your own routine, which I would you to share in the comment section below. This is mine:
Step 1: I always do the chore of cleaning my brushes at night.
Step 2: Choose a gentle soap or shampoo to get these tools spic and span again.
Step 3: Run some warm (but not hot) water in your bathroom sink adding a dab of soap/shampoo.
Step 4: Immerse your brushes/tools in the soapy water and let them soak for a few minutes.
Step 5: When you think they're clean, squeegee out the water and lay them flat to dry.
Step 6: Leave them on the towel to dry out over night and by morning they should be good to go.
Your skin (and perhaps your make-up also) will thank you. Everything will feel clean going on and that's the way it should be.
How often do you clean your make-up brushes?
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa M